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Instructor Owner Catherine Zehner, CYT, RYT, Reiki Level  2  & Ancient Stone  Practioner

I  began my    adventure into the world of Yoga over 20+ years ago. Grateful for the many benefits of Yoga practice, I    found a way to help myself with depression and anxiety, as well as additional support for ADHD challenges. I   am   also a mother of two adult children, my    youngest son having Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy that I    am full time caregiver for. The "tools" of Yoga and Mindfulness have been invaluable for me, to help with the daily challenges that being a parent and caregiver have to a child with a fatal illness.

I  received my    200   Hr   Teacher Training in 2004 and I am    a Registered Yoga  Teacher with Yoga Alliance. 

 I have    been a student of various yoga and meditation teachers over the years. Amongst many trainings, most notable are those with interest in the therapy aspects of Yoga.  Most recently I  completed   a    Somatic Strength course with Mary Richards and Lizzie Lasater. I have   a    new found interest in the aspects of strength, resistance, and stability training, and incorporating these modalities into my classes. 

In 2015 I    attended a 3 day Transcendental Meditation (TM) course in Minneapolis, which  lead me    on a path to Mindfulness Meditation and Mindfulness practices. In 2022 I  completed an MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) two month course  and am    currently    incorporating Mindfulness practices into my    yoga classes, as well as leading a weekly guided Meditation/Pranayama group. 

My thoughts~
Over time our society has been convinced that a faster busier life shows we are somehow better, more productive, and living life to the fullest. Social media plays a big part in this. When we see how others are "busier" or  constantly on the go doing perceived amazing things, we feel like we need be that busy, productive, and amazing. Unfortunately, when we believe busier is better it moves us into auto pilot, and we never stop to take in the beauty of    our moment to moment experiences.  Before we know it we are faced with age, illness, and death and suddenly realize how life is fleeting. We ask ourselves where did time go?

Because we buy into this faster busier philosophy it in turn has made many of us feel imbalanced, anxious,  depressed, and, well, sick.

In the words of Ferris Bueller: Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and take a look around once in awhile, you could miss it!

Practicing Yoga, Meditation, and  Mindfulness are some ways in which to help bring us to a moment of clear connection with ourselves and the world around us. When we slow down and drop in to the moment, we become more present with kind attention to the "now."  Dropping in with presence, helps us to drop the what ifs, the should and should nots, and transforms us into a healthier and calmer existence, and a better trust of ourselves. We are then better equipped to move through the flow of our ever changing lives with a calmer and steadier mind, joy, and health... some of the most important things!
I look forward to hold space for those on the path to finding  and keeping balance, caring for, and nurturing themselves through these practices. ​

Peace Love and Blessings as we navigate our path.


Catherine Zehner RYT
Catherine in Camel Pose

Get to know your true nature...Move from a human doing to a human being, inviting us to be here now present in each moment...From mindlessness to mindfulness...From thoughtless to thoughtful...From disconnected to connected to ourselves and the world we live in.  We can find these things within our practices.


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